A.D. the Bible Continues


Roma Downey and Mark Burnett are bringing the Bible back to network television again with A.D. The Bible Continues on NBC. This epic story begins with the Cross, the Resurrection and the birth of the church. The story follows the lives and reactions of the Disciples, Pilate, Caiaphas, the Jewish Zealots, and the household of Herod. Roman oppression, Jewish revolts, persecution, political fallouts, amazing stories of boldness and faith.

“This Easter Sunday, April 5th, 2015, join millions of viewers for the premiere of A.D. The Bible Continues and continue on a 12-week journey through what would become the most powerful global movement in history – the rise of the Church.” – www.shareadtheseries.com

Do you have questions about the Bible, the book of Acts or this weeks episode? We invite you to continue the conversation on SAVN.tv/savn-chat for Video Chat Bible Studies based on the series.


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I never intended to make “Faith Movies.” I really never intended to explore my faith at this point in life. But that’s the curious way things happen in this world – it’s not always our intentions, but rather His plan for us put into motion.

Six years ago I wrote “Rust,” about a Pastor who had lost track and become upset with God for His lack of communication at a time when the world was imploding. Looking back, though not a Pastor myself, I’m sure that was a deeper part of me, searching for a new relationship with God. The film was made and then picked up by Sony/Affirm Films. Suddenly I was a new writer, director and sometimes actor of “Faith Based Movies.”

I quickly wrote and produced three more films, not really understanding the motivating factor, but rather, simply going with what “felt right to do.” This had become God’s journey for me, to create a new relationship with Him. I had always “believed in God,” and danced very generally around my faith, but never really jumped in headfirst to take it to the next level.


The official poster for “Rust”; Image Courtesy of Kipling Film Productions.
Making movies of faith has become my personal journey toward God and, believe me, making movies is never easy. But some of the situations that have “coincidently” happened have helped us. Even the ease of coming up with story and screenplays has been nothing short of “miraculous.” He is clearly at the easel, guiding me, and those around me.

They may be my words – our films – but they are His brushstrokes.

After five films that we generated through our company Home Theater Films, my producing partner, Chris Aronoff, and I sat down and said, “why do all Faith Based movies” have to be so …“faithy?” Why can’t we make just great movies in variety of genres; action, thriller, or Romantic Comedy? “These things happen in the lives of Christians!”


The exciting new Romantic Comedy “Christian Mingle” releases October 10th; Photo Courtesy of Home Theater Films.
We quickly decided that we’d like to make a Romantic Comedy, and within days, literally, I met the fellow who runs Christian Mingle at a Faith and Film summit.

Without blinking I approached him and said, “I want to do a movie with you, with Christian Mingle, a Romantic Comedy.” He asked what the idea was and right there, on the spot, I invented the general story that is actually the film today! He liked it and suddenly we were off to the races, with God once again, painting another stroke on my Canvas.

He is always very much in charge of the journey he has planned for me.

Follow Corbin’s work and find out more at his Official Website

Excited for the new movie? Check out Christian Mingle – Official Trailer

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