Ask the Pastor


Ask the Pastor is a Video Chat Bible Study, hosted by, that gives people who may or may not attend church a safe place where they can ask spiritual questions. Some people either do not have a pastor or are to embarrassed to speak about their concerns. Our purpose is not to argue, debate or judge. We simply want to listen and look at the Bible to see what it says. has created a series of 2 minute God Shots (videos) which ask the tough questions of life. These videos are great for conversation starters and will be used in our Bible Study.

Join us if you have questions or need someone to talk with.

Ask the Pastor

Friday Nights @ 10pm (PDT)


Growing Up with God


God never changes, but we do. As we grow up, our understanding of who God is changes. As children, we heard about a God who could do anything! Nothing is impossible for Him. When we think of God, we think, “WOW!” However, the God of “WOW” we grew to know as a child, quickly becomes the God of “WHY” as adolescents. Did God change? No. We did.

We change more during our teen years than any other time in our lives. It is a time of curiosity, confusion and self-discovery. We move from asking lots of questions, to questioning everything and everyone; God included.

When we become young adults, we are seeking independence and leaving home for college or careers. We want our parents resources, but not their permission. Freedom is finally ours and no one can tell us what to do. Not even God. This is the stage where many of us turn away from our childhood faith.

Growing Up with God is all about becoming aware of the changes we experience at each phase of our lives. As we change, our understanding of who we are and who God is will change as well. As we grow physically, we must continue to mature emotionally and spiritually.

Join us as we dig into God’s Word together.

Growing Up with God

Monday Nights @ 8pm (PDT)