Behind Boundless – Leaving L.A.


So we’re all packed and ready to go to London. Four days and counting. Our apartment is empty and what few items we are taking with us are ready to be packed into suitcases.

Building up to this point, we have applied for and received visas, resigned from our jobs, sold our car, cancelled every American service we had (internet, car insurance, etc.) and now we are just waiting for Sunday.

In case you don’t already know, we are moving to London to participate in a year long Volunteer Opportunity at The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters. We leave Sunday and arrive at London Heathrow Airport Monday morning. We start work the next day. Over the course of the next year we will be assisting the International Congress Department with the planning and logistics involved with the Boundless 2015 International Congress, which will be held at the end of our time in London.

This blog is technically a personal blog but we will be covering everything we do in London in both personal and professional capacities.


Our uncomfortably empty apartment…

Watch the video blog!

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