Saved to Save


Saved to Save is one our many battle cry’s in The Salvation Army. Recently, produced a video about Ryan Lehman and his journey from addiction and depression to recovery and transformation through the Anaheim Adult Rehabilitation Center. Ryan is now the Recovery Ministry Director at The Salvation Army Anaheim Corps. One of his many responsibilities is leading Celebrate Recovery meetings. Ryan has been showing stories of recovery from and encouraging the group to share the stories of love and hope of Jesus Christ with their friends who may be struggling.

Click the link below to see Ryan’s Story 

This morning I had the privilege of speaking with Ryan and he shared this amazing story with me.

“Last night a man came to me with a piece of paper in his hand that said ask Pastor to lead you in the Sinners prayer. He had explained that his alcoholics anonymous sponsor, who was a believer in Christ, had instructed him to make amends with God as part of his ninth step of the 12 steps of recovery. He did not know the Lord and he never really read the Bible and I could tell he was feeling discouraged. We sat down in the chapel and spoke about the Old Testament spoke about Genesis and Noah and Moses and the 10 commandments we then spoke about the New Testament and what Jesus Christ has done for us and that he had died on the cross was risen from the dead and later commanded us to go and make disciples of the nations before ascended promising to send us the Holy Spirit. I then prayed for him and asked him to follow along in prayer with me. It was then that he excepted Jesus Christ into his heart and ask the Holy Spirit to guide his life to turn his will over to God. Then spoke about what comes next and he said that he did feel the Holy Spirit, he said he felt like he was being electrocuted and I assured him that it is the confirmation that the Spirit has entered our lives and is moving in us. He agreed to meet with me again and I’m looking forward to see the transformation in his life.” – Ryan Lehmen – Recovery Ministry Director, Anaheim Red Shield Center

Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

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