Day 11 – African Spirit of the Congress


In the light of day, The Salvation Army tent city at the congress venue is an impressive sight. There are large party tents, green canvas military tents and circus style tents that dot the campus. There are several small tents that sleep 2-6 people and they represent a rainbow of color. While the tents vary in size and color, they signify comfort and community.


The tent city is well organised with vendors and small cafés lining the main pathway. However, as I circle the encampment I see that most groups have setup campfires on the outer perimeter, where several women cook over an open wood fire for the members of their corps. The cooks have an important and never-ending ministry this weekend!

Everywhere I walk I am greeted by fellow Salvationists dressed in their smart tan colored uniforms and crisp white shirts. Many of the women choose to wear colorful Salvation Army wraps representing various divisions across the Territory.


The Good Friday services have a wonderful sense of spirit and occasion. The people are engaged in worship before the opening song. The singing is full with rich, deep harmonies and one cannot resist but to sit and drink in the musical offerings of praise.


At times African dancing erupts. The drummers keep the beat and a Capella singing fills the hall, in comparison the noise from the beans in the ‘hoshos’ echo throughout the auditorium in rhythmic symmetry. (Click the link below to see dancing)

This morning General Andre Cox said, ‘I believe that God will bless us as we meet here. God is blessing us, and I am grateful for this unforgettable Good Friday experience.

Remember, ‘it’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming.’

Major John Murray, IHQ Communications and Literary Secretary

John Murry


One thought on “Day 11 – African Spirit of the Congress

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